Then create a new input business object for BAPI and set the customer number in the properties of the input business object. 然后,为BAPI创建新的输入业务对象,在输入业务对象的属性中设置客户号。
Imagine the ZIP code was instead a customer ID number in an order-tracking application. 假设ZIP代码被替换成了订单跟踪应用程序中的客户ID号码。
There is no index on customer_number in the bills table. 在账单表中不存在customernumber上的索引。
If the customer number is not null, that is, the customer is already known, the left hand path is followed ( 2), and the customer data is retrieved from the customer registration service ( 3). 如果客户编号不为空,即客户是已知客户,则遵循左侧的路径(2),并从客户注册服务中检索客户数据(3)。
In a stateful exchange the service requestor calls the setCustomerNumber() operation first, passing in the customer number. 在有状态交换中,服务请求者将首先调用setCustomerNumber()操作,并同时传入客户编号。
In a stateless exchange, the service provider defines the getCustomerInfo() operation so that it takes the customer number as an input parameter. 在无状态交换中,服务提供者定义getCustomerInfo()操作,使其接受客户编号作为输入参数。
The procedure does not complete successfully, and the user-defined message of Customer number is not known is also returned. 过程并没有成功完成,用户定义消息Customernumberisnotknown也被返回。
After entering their customer number, the shopper clicks the Buy it button to initiate the purchase. 输入客户编号后,购物者单击Buyit按钮启动采购。
In the first step, the customer number is copied to a local variable ( 1). 在第一步中,客户编号被复制到一个本地变量(1)。
The service provider then returns a customer information response that corresponds to the customer number set in the previous invocation. 服务提供者将随后返回与之前调用中设置的客户编号对应的客户信息响应。
The service provider retains the customer number in memory. 服务提供者在内存中保留客户编号。
Further, it assumes that any individual entity has some enterprise-unique identifier that's part of the record, such as a customer number or SKU. 此外,它还假定任何单独的实体都具有某个企业唯一的标识符,该标识符(例如,客户的编号或者SKU)是记录的一部分。
They enter sip: Customer@ localhost as the customer's number and click Call Me. 他们输入sip:Customer@localhost作为客户的号码,并单击CallMe。
When the shopper has finished shopping, clicking the Checkout button causes the UI to navigate to the second screen, where the shopper is asked for their customer number. 购物者已经完成购物时,单击Checkout按钮将使UI导航到第二个屏幕,在那里将询问购物者的客户编号。
This component receives an Order business object, which contains the order information along with the customer account number. 该组件接收到一个Order业务对象,其中包含订单信息以及客户帐号。
This is the field into which the user enters a customer number on which to search. 用户就是在这个字段内输入客户号,并按此进行搜索。
The second key piece of information is that we are trying to read the bills table using a customer_number. 第二条关键信息是我们正尝试利用customernumber来读取账单表。
There are three different pieces of information you need from each line: the seven-digit customer number, the customer name, and the single character customer type. 您需要从各行获得三项不同的信息:七位数的客户号、客户名以及单个字符的客户类型。
If you edit the customer master record you must specify customer number and company code in order to access the screens containing company code data. 如果编辑客户主记录,必须指定客户编号和公司代码,从而存取包含公司代码数据的屏幕。
To retrieve your customer number or password hint or to reset your password, click here. 要检索您的客户编号或密码提示或重设密码,请点击这里。
Electricity buy quantity, customer number and name. 购电量、客户编号、客户名称。
If prompted, log in with your username or customer number and password. 如果提示,登录与您的用户名或客户编号和密码。
You can create a link between the master records by entering the vendor number in the customer master record and the customer number in the vendor master record. 通过在客户主记录中输入供应商编号和在供应商主记录中输入客户编码将这两个主记录联系起来。
This data is identifiable only via the customer number, not via the number of the company code or the sales area. 这种数据只能用客户编号来标识,不能用公司代码和销售范围来标识。
This is author will study the application of Metcalfe 'Law in eyes economic, customer lock-in and customer expectation management, the accuracy of the value is square of customer number. 该文力图从注意力经济、消费者锁定、消费者预期管理等方面阐述梅特卡夫法则及其应用,即用户数量的增加可以大大提高企业网络价值,网络的价值等于网络结点数的平方。
All queueing quantities in Ref. [ 3] are ob-tained, furthermore, distribution of the system busy period and the served customer number in the busy period are also obtained. 我们不仅求得文献[3]中所有排队指标,进一步也获得系统的忙期分布和在忙期中服务完的顾客数。
Since the beginning of 2004, many new characteristics appear with the development of global 3G. Commercial network, customer number, operation model, and service type have experienced great development. 进入2004年以来,全球3G的发展出现了许多新的特征,无论是商用网络、用户数量,还是运营商的运作模式以及业务种类,都有了很大的发展。
Liquefied petroleum gas cylinder using the customer number, Wide distribution, Different factors such as road conditions, Distribution network of large and complex, Distribution task. 但是由于液化气钢瓶使用客户数量多、分布广,道路状况差异较大等因素,使配送网络庞大而复杂,配送任务艰巨。
Therefore, the customer number and information content received by quality inspection department will increase, and this information has certain changes. 因此,质检部门接待的客户数量和信息量随着增多,且这些信息存在着一定的变化。
It can be concluded, the VAR model is suitable for B2C sites new customer number forecast. 可以得出结论,VAR模型适合做B2C网站新客数预测。